All the information provided on this website is meant for general information. It may change without notice.

1. SKUG INSIGHTS is not liable in case you use any information or material on this website. You will use it on your own risk. You are liable and responsible to decide whether any information related to product or services, which is available through this site fulfills your requirement.

2. This site does not support or promote any kind of illegal, abusive or unethical activity. These activities include but not limited to inclusion or linking of pornography, nudity, privacy violation, harassment, etc.

3. The information on SKUG INSIGHTS is copyright information and licensed to us. This information includes but not limited to various design concepts, graphic work, layouts, etc. None of this can't be used without prior written consent of SKUG INSIGHTS

4. You agree and declare that your account or information does not violate the rights of any third party (that includes copyrights, trademarks, patents, intellectual property rights, privacy rights or any other personal or proprietary rights).

5. You acknowledge that we do not provide any warranty or guarantee pertaining to the accuracy, performance, completeness or suitability of different material and information published on this site for any reason. There could be certain errors or inaccuracies & we exclude liability for any such errors to the full extent permitted by law.

6. Any unauthorized use of this website will be considered as criminal offence and may lead to a claim for damages.

7. We may include different links to other websites in order to provide you with more information. Neither we endorse any of the website, nor do we take any responsibility of the information being available on these websites.

9. We will cancel your services with us if we find any unusual activity with your account. You will be entitled for pro rate refund based depending on the remaining length of contract. If you violate any of the terms of the service agreement, then you will not be liable for any kind of refund.

10. Any kind of set up and consultation fees is nonrefundable.

11. Fees for Domain name registration has to be paid upfront and is nonrefundable. In case you want to change the domain ownership, then do send us an email at

12. Hosting fees for the website is charged on annualized basis and has to be paid in advance for the year

13. All the terms and conditions will be in force as long as you are using services of SKUG INSIGHTS. In an event of cancellation of your hosting services, hosting cost will be calculated on prorate basis for the year and balance amount would be refunded, if any. You will be charged for the complete month in which you cancel your service.

14. You declare that all the information and content (visual and text) provided by you to us for your website is legally owned and licensed by you. You agree to indemnify us from any kind of legal claims brought by any third party relating any aspect of the Website, including, but without limitation, any and all demands, liabilities, losses, costs and claims including attorney's fees arising out of injury caused by your products/services, material supplied by you, copyright infringement, and defective products sold via the Website. Further, you agree to indemnify us from responsibility for problems/disruptions caused by third-party services that you may use such as merchant accounts, shopping carts, shipping, hosting services, real time credit card processing and other services that relate to the ownership and operation of the Website or multimedia project.

15. You understand and acknowledge the fact that internet is not a property of any individual, company or entity. We put in all the efforts to make sure that your website is available to users as widely as possible with little or no interruption; however we cannot guarantee that the website will be available to all the users all the time for the reasons which are beyond our control.

16. SKUG INSIGHTS reserves the right to change the terms and conditions at any time. As and when these terms changes, they will be updated on the website and will be in effect as they are updated. The user agrees to review the terms on website regularly so as to aware of the changes being made. By continuing to use the company's website after any posted revision, the customer agrees to abide by it.

17. You acknowledge and understand that you will be liable to provide all the visual and text content for all the pages of your website. You can reach us through phone as well as email to either check the status of your website or to make any changes to your website.